StarkA straightforward way to build
single-page apps and static websites


Yaml, Jade, Stylus used by default. You can even use LiveScript if you want.


Everything is a multi-part component: pages, widgets, themes, libraries, configuration. It simply works.


Stark strives to reuse what exists. React and Bower components work today. Expect more in the future.

Quick Start

Run this in your terminal:

~$ sudo npm install -g stark
~$ stark new yoursite
~$ cd yoursite/
~/yoursite$ stark watch-server

Then open the printed link in your browser (usually it's http://localhost:7780). You should see a page like this:



Lets take the typical web development process:

typical web development process

A sketch is created for some idea. A designer may transform this into PSD's for the app/site. Development starts by splitting the design into HTML, CSS and JavaScript layers which are further developed as three separate, but very inter-connected subprojects.

Stark changes this process: you build the app or site out of small components that encapsulate HTML/template, CSS and JavaScript parts. The components depend on each other. Stark does the rest.

Stark way of building sites

Building a web project this way reduces complexity: the number of interconnected layers / dependency trees a developer has to keep in mind. The components (although consisting of parts in different languages) have very high cohesion and reduce coupling. They visually map to what one sees on the screen in the final result.

You may notice that the idea is very similar to Web Components. However there are some differences:

  • you don't have to wait for browser support,
  • expressive syntax,
  • more goodies built into Stark (YAML parts, development server, React support, etc.)

How Multi-Part Components work

  • Stark treats multiple files with the same basename but different extensions as parts of the same component.
  • There is also a special file format (*.mpc) for having all parts in the same file.
  • You can freely combine *.mpc and other files.

Components from files with the same extension

MPC file contents look like this:

--- html ---
<!-- Note: empty lines between part content and header are mandatory. -->
--- css ---
/* You can add as many minuses at the end of header as you like: */
--- js --------------------------------------------------------
/// Tip: use comments to further structure your code. ---------

Components can depend on each other. This is expressed in their requirement part:

--- requirements ---
Widget2:    ./widget2

Stark builds a single dependency graph from these requirements (starting from index.mpc file) and generates HTML, CSS, JavaScript files for your app or site.

Stark builds from component requirements.



You can get a full documentation of command line options by running stark without options or stark -h.

The general structure is: stark COMMAND [OPTIONS].


buildCompile output into build/
docsStart a web server with the documentation.
new PATHCreate an example site at PATH.
serveCompile into build/ and start a web server.
watchCompile and start automatic recompile process.
watch-serverCompile, start "watch" process and a web server.

I recommend using stark watch-server for development and stark build for automated builds.


Now lets look through the contents of your site directory:

buildOutput directory. Stark will create it if it is missing.
bower_componentsBower components. Optional. Used when finding components.
libLocal components. Optional. Used when finding components.
node_modulesNode components. Optional. Used when finding components.
pagesPages. Optional.
staticStatic files. Optional.


You will find the compiled pages, scripts, styles and other files here. Directory contents should look like this:

index.htmlHome page created from index.mpc
static/Files copied over from static/
static/ style.cssCSS style built from requirements of index.mpc
static/ script.jsJavaScript modules build from requirements of index.mpc
somepage/ index.htmlPage created from pages/somepage.mpc

Component directories: lib, bower_components, node_modules

These directories are added to include path. Stark will search for requirements in these directories.

You should put your own templates, widgets, JS modules into lib. You should try installing third party libraries with bower and npm when available.


Directory for your page components. pages/yourpage.mpc will be used to generate build/yourpage/index.html .


The contents of this directory are recursively copied to build/static/.


config.mpcSite-wide configuration. Optional.
index.mpcHome page. Starting point. Required.
build/index.htmlGenerated HTML.
build/static/script.jsGenerated JavaScript.
build/static/style.cssGenerated CSS.


The data from the yaml part of this file will be available as site.config value in templates.

Alternatively you can rename the file to config.yaml. (Don't forget to remove the MPC part headers).


This is the main page of the site and the starting point for CSS and JavaScript generation:

  • Stark creates build/index.html from template parts of this page.
  • Stark creates build/static/script.js and build/static/style.css from the requirements of this page.


Stark will compile this HTML file from the template parts of index.mpc.


Stark will compile JavaScript from index.mpc dependencies into this file.


Stark will compile CSS from index.mpc dependencies into this file.

Component Parts

Stark pages and components are made of parts. Some of them are processed before including in the final output, others are copied verbatim.

requirementsList of required components. Format docs.
exportsList of exported values for js parts. Format docs.
yaml / ymlData available inside of template and js parts. About YAML.
jadeJade template part. Takes priority over all template types. Format docs.
jade-reactReact component's render() method expressed in Jade.
jstJavaScript template part. Takes priority over other template types (except Jade). Format docs.
jsJavaScript that gets executed on the browser side.
styl / stylusStylus CSS format.
cssPlain CSS. Will not be processed by Stylus.
md / markdownAlternate format for page content.
html / phpAlternate format for page content. Not processed.



  • Please use Github Issues for bug reporting and feature requests.

  • Please keep your pull requests small and make sure they merge easily with the master branch before submitting.

  • Please send any other feedback to my email: It is most welcome.